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What is Tummy Time and Why is it Important?

"For some babies, tummy time is a pleasant experience where they get to explore and work on their coordination, but for a lot of families, tummy time is the most dreaded time of the day."


What is Occupational Therapy?

Stage 2 - Moving Around to See and Reach

Stage 1 - Learning to Move Arms and Legs


3 Early Intervention Terms - What Do They Even Mean?

Using Your “Daytot Neo+” for Crawling Development

Using your Daytot Joey: 2 Bonus Movements


3 Fresh Ways to Support Development in Your Baby Early On!

Development During Their First Year

3 Ways to Foster Early Development In A Small Childcare Setting


Developmental Play with your 6-12 Month Old

3 Ways to Foster Early Development If Your Child is a Cerebral Palsy Warrior

Acitivities for Early and Experienced Sitters


3 ways to Foster Early Development in Daycare

5 Ways to Advocate for your Baby in the NICU

Developmental Play for 0-6 Months


The Truth about Torticollis

The Importance of Early Mobility for Infants with or at High Risk for Neuromotor Impairments

7 reasons why crawling is important


4 Things I've Learned as a Preemie Parent

Tackling Tummy Time